# Step 4 - Master node

In this section we configure and start up the DATP master node inside your environment's ECS Cluster, where it will be resistant to server failures, will scale automatically, and is accessible from the Internet via a load balancer.

You can restrict access to just your API Gateway, APIC or other gateway later.

The DATP Software will be deployed from the ECR repository you created in the previous step, and run as a Docker container in the ECS cluser.

You can choose to build the Docker image and put it into ECR manually, or you can set up a Code Pipline to do this automatically. The normal procedure is to either manually or automatically build the Docker image in your development environment, and then deploy the exact same Docker image from the same ECR repository through your various stages of testing through and into production.

In this section we set up the service, and in a later step we optionally set up the build pipeline.


Run though the following steps. For each you will need to go to your Cloudformation (opens new window) stacks page. Select Create stack -> with new resources (standard). Copy in the URL of the template below and press Next then enter the fields as discussed below.

After filling in the fields as described below, skip through the remaining pages. No additional input is required unless specifically mentioned.

In values for environment EEEEEE and prefix PPP must be the same as when the environment was created.

# 4.1 - Load balancer

# What this creates

1x Cloudwatch log group
1x Secrets Manager secret
1x Application Load Balancer (ALB)
1x Load Balancer Listener
1x Listener Rule
1x Target Group

# Template



or to use Fargate...


# Fields

Field Description
Stack Name EEEEEE-AAAAA-loadbalancer (e.g. 'dev-acme-loadbalancer')
Application Name AAAAA (e.g. acme)
Cost Code This can be used to identify resources for billing purposes
Environment Name EEEEEE
Healthcheck path (e.g. /api/healthcheck)
Prefix PPP- (e.g. 'v1-')

# 4.2 - ECS Service

# What this creates

1x ECS Service Role
1x ECS Service
1x ECS Task Definition

# Template



or for Fargate


# Fields

Field Description
Stack Name EEEEEE-AAAAAA-service (e.g. 'dev-acme-service')
Prefix PPP- (e.g. 'v1-')
Environment Name EEEEEE
Application Name AAAAAA (e.g. acme)
DockerImageRepository our ECR repo (e.g. tooltwist-acme)
Version Our initial seed version ('initial')
Desired count start with 1
Memory 256 for NodeJS, more for Java
Port Ask the development team (usually 3000 or 4000)

Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. on the final page and press Create Stack.

# 4.3 - Provide a Configuration

Your project will now be trying to start, but without a configuration it will be failing it's healthchecks and continually restarting. You will need to (a) give the DATP service a configuration, and (b) let the DATP service access the configuration.

In the previous step where you created the load balancer an AWS Secrets Manager secret was created, which you will be able to see on your Secrets Manager console (opens new window).

# Updating the Service Role

The ECS service just created has a JUICE_CONFIG environment variable referencing this secret, however the service will not yet be able to access that secret, without a policy in place. For security reasons we do not enable this access in the Cloudformation scripts, and you will need you to explicitly enable access to the secret. This is done by updating the role ECS uses to start the service's task:

  1. Find the latest failed (stopped) task in the ECS Console, and look at the Logs tab. You should see an error message that incudes the assumed role, the action and the resource the role needs to grant.

  2. Go to the Secrets Manager Console page (opens new window) for the region, and look up the ARN for the secret mentioned in the error.

  3. Next, go to your IAM Role Console page (opens new window) and search for the role matching the ARN in the error. For example, role myenv-myproject-ECSRole.

Add the following inline policy, replacing the Resource ARN with that of the secret.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:ap-southeast-1:1234567890:secret:j-myenv-myproject-Xxyzlj",

# Configuration / Secrets

The task / service now has access to the secret, but the secret is currently empty.

Return to the Go to the Secrets Manager Console page (opens new window) and enter your JSON configuration into the secret as text.

The file /workspace/datp-config.json can be used as a template, but make sure you update the host names and ports to match your AWS environment, and include any other variables your application uses from the secret.

With this done, your service for the master node should start successfully.

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Last updated: 2022-07-13, 05:12:23 UTC